Saturday, January 21, 2017

Is America creating hardships on the world's children? Adoption the answer to worlds problems

America creates the problem then the solution .  If America would make the world safer for children we would not have International Adoptions which stem from: famine, war, genocide, and invasions.  Great Job America create the problem then create the solution. Destroying villages, neighborhoods with bombs, destroying their schools and hospitals ...creating safe environments for children would be the best solution.  
- - Wednesday, January 4, 2017
The outgoing and incoming administrations are battling over pending regulations and appointments. The Obama administration wants to solidify its policies, and the transitional Trump team wants a free hand implementing new policies. Understandably, there is little room for agreement on many of these issues.
But there is one area where the president and the president-elect should be able to unite — protecting children globally against the horrors of institutional life, and enabling prospective parents to bring those children into their homes and hearts. The general public and politicians on both sides of the political aisle tend to agree that adoption is a good option for the world’s orphaned, abandoned and relinquished children. Yet, a small number of officials in the current Department of State have hijacked U.S. adoption policy, promoting positions never authorized by Congress and positions that it is unlikely President Obama would endorse were they brought to his attention.
In 2008, Congress named the U.S. Department of State as Central Authority under The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and delegated to it the responsibility of providing oversight for adoption. Without question, the State Department has failed miserably in carrying out the fullness of their responsibilities to implement policies and practices that allow the United States to serve this very vulnerable population of children through intercountry adoption. The policies enacted by the State Department have helped create a human rights crisis of historic proportions.
Since 2004, the numbers of children adopted from other countries into U.S. families has plummeted — down now by a total of two-thirds. The result is a disaster for children, most of whom have no alternative but to live, and die, in institutions. The social and brain science has conclusively demonstrated that institutions destroy human potential, imposing lifelong mental and emotional harm on those who survive physically. Adoption, whether domestic or international, is the only hope for some of these children and enables them to overcome much of the damage suffered and, when adopted early enough, to thrive in their new families.

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