Monday, March 12, 2018

NEW ASP acrediation IAAME report unethical adoption agencies

If you are a victim of a lying adoption agencies that is suggesting gifts for people in country, or attaching suspicious fees you should report it to IAAME.  Also watch for those agencies working in small poor niche countries that skirt around ethical practices by giving a "referral" to you prior to the baby being born (baby mills) promises a muslim child in a country like Morrocco via a Kefala ceremony or other far out promises.  Remember telling you  and having something in writing is 2 different things.  IAAME report here


Street & Mailing Address:
5950 NW 1st Place
Suite A
Gainesville, FL 32607

Main Number: 888-241-6930
Fax Number: 888-316-1704

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