Sunday, June 21, 2020

Robin Sizemore of Hopscotch Adoptions publicly admits to having her accreditation being under investigation #BennetKelley #AdoptionCorruption

Well well Robin 11 years and the truth comes out, you and your big ugly blabbermouth admit it in this article that IAAMES has "waged FALSE ACCUSATIONS" against you and "WITHHELD INFORMATION" and that you have had to hire "TWO ATTORNEYS"

Its all catching up to you the end is near, Covid 19 is another issue for traveling adoptive parents . They won't be able to travel and we all know Armenian Adoptions have closed their doors on you.
In your usual style of blaming others like me or IAAMES , you cannot accept accountability for your corrupt actions.   You step foot into Armenia you will be arrested and its serious not fake crap that  Bennet Kelley tries to dream up with his poor writing skills.  Honestly his story telling is horrible, he thinks he is a writer and that is never going to happen LA Writers Club is a farce anyone can join it for a fee.. Bennet Kelley is not a professional writer, a sought after attorney or legal analyst he is a con artist with self hype and dick moves.

 Bennet Kelley cannot censor me he can file all kinds of comical silly crap on me but the fact remains It will ALWAYS reflect back on the two of you criminals.  Legal Harassment doesn't work Robin Sizemore you nasty lying gutter trash.  Trying to demonize me and my family backfired on you and Bennet Kelley., he has no chance of having any legal business in Los Angeles way too many Armenians watching him he is an easy target in Los Angeles just a matter of time before he has to move out of his apartment and go back to Rhode Island. 
BENNET KELLEY ASK YOURSELF WAS IT WORTH IT RISKING YOUR ALREADY CRUMMY LEGAL CAREER OVER A SCUMBAG BABY SELLER THAT IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS?  WELL WAS IT ?   YOU SHOT YOUR CAREER AWAY AND I WILL NOT BE CENSORED.  I CAN GO ANOTHER 10 YEARS BUT I DON'T THINK YOUR CAREER IN CALIFORNIA CAN.  By harming me, my family and my community you also harmed yourself and look like a big asshole.  Hired by a corrupt Adoption Agency that has problems with Accreditation. 

I was never denied an adoption, I have the APPROVED home study letter from your buddies at Across the World Adoptions (Cara) what happened was their nasty unprofessional slip up 1 week before my USCIS approintment.  Stupidity and that is the reason Across the World Adoptions was shuttered yes CLOSED the stories from other families are horrible but the families Robin Sizemore dealt with are even more horrific .....they made it all the way to the lead investigator in Armenia.
We are not stopping Bennet Kelley
you better have Robin Sizemore unseal the records so those Armenian Women can be 
reunited with their children.  They have rights too or do you think only Robin has rights 
cause she paid you $200,000 to be a dick? 
Baby Stealer scum bag 

Khama Anku Black professional woman
that Bennet Kelley was hired to harass
Bennet you have to walk around Los Angeles looking
over your back you loser you made so many enemies helping
baby sellers, sweetheart scam artists and spam marketers.
I am not the criminal.....Robin Sizemore is the Criminal and she will soon be out of business like Across the World Adoptions.   As for Bennet Kelley?   I will just enjoy him run on a hamster wheel doing the same dick moves over and over.  His latest trip to Fresno was another of his scumbaggery stories of legal harassment with sensationalized and hyperbole.   Can't get me on a criminal charges so they had to stack a cock and bull story for a laughable civil one that will back fire on everyone of these liars.    Even if you manage to get your IAAME Accreditation you have no business in Armenia its OVER, and with Covid19 and less countries open to you its slipping farther and farther down.
You deserve every bit of it.   I really hope Jeanne Sobie gave them all a good earful .

You tired to kick me down and censor me I will
pull you right into the gutter where you belong .....

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Hopscotch Adoptions ASP accreditation to expire in November 2020 #RobinSizemore #BennetKelley

Robin Sizemore hired 2 attorneys to help facilitate her accreditation extension. Hopefully IAAME does their diligence

Robin likes to pay top money in legal fees to protect her adoption scams, paid a lot to try and silence me 2009 and 11 years later you will never censor me or your corrupt Attorney that is going to be escorted out of California #BennetKelley

Click here for IAAME accreditation

More on Robin Sizemore's licensing issues here Click for Robin Sizemore Hopscotch license issues