This blog has gotten many inquiries from Armenians and non-Armenians about adopting children in Armenia by non-Armenians (odars). The short answer to that question is "Yes" it does happen and will happen. The long answer is the willingness of non-Armenians to pay a lot of money to an Adoption/Abduction Service Provider and willingness to accept the fact it's not popular among Armenians.
There are currently 3 American Adoption Service providers that operate in Armenia. Of the 3 only 1 is willing to be truthful about non Armenians adopting only special needs children. That agency is the one with the longest program in Armenia and it is called Carolina Adoption Services which was the ex employer of Robin Sizemore the Executive Director now of Hopscotch Adoptions. An ex employee of Hopscotch Adoptions, Jeanne Sobie heads up the Armenian program at Carolina Adoption Services.
It's no secret that Robin Sizemore attempted to sue me over 5 years ago, trying to intimidate me into silence about the truth. However that pitiful lawsuit didn't make it passed a mediation or even close to a summary judgment after the mediation report brought up several issues about Robin Sizemore's dismissal from Carolina Adoption Agency. It can be viewed here and has 1,400 views on it.
Dispite the fact Robin Sizemore's flaky attorney Bennet Kelley actually filed charges to try and suppress it. After he shamelessly put out fake press releases that he had won a significant victory of some sort. What victory that is I am not sure? Maybe Bennet and Robin got "Liar of the Year" award for spinning Robin's background into some sort of "child savior"
Local Armenians in Armenia are given first choice to adopt, however many cannot afford the huge fees that foreign providers pump into the Armenian economy by way of in country "contractors" so if a local person wants to adopt a child it is roughly $800.00. A lot of money to people in Armenia - so naturally many Americans will have the opportunity to adopt. Hopscotch Adoptions has a large following of non Armenians who have adopted. No applications are turned down for this program or discouraged by Hopscotch Adoptions. Carolina Adoption Services has even discouraged some Armenians from adopting because of the difficulty finding healthy children. Carolina Adoption Services does a great job in setting expectations to applicants.
Hopscotch Adoptions has accepted applications from people who were newly married (a couple in Washington State) after 4 years of waiting and 1 child falling through the system and being returned back to her biological father this couple did finally succeed.
Another Hispanic woman from New Mexico named Regina Soto, got caught in the Russian Adoption BAN and switched to Hopscotch Adoptions barely 1 year ago. She has just returned home with her new Armenian baby girl.
Robin Sizemore attempted to have this picture removed.
The country of Armenia, Ministry of Social Affairs would like to know
what are you trying to hide? |
NOTE: Google Blogger contacted this blog and stated that someone had filed a fake copyright
on the above photo, they as precaution removed the photo. It has been put back up pending
proof of "copyrights" to a child. Armenia if you are reading, this is the kind of slight of hand
tactics used by Robin Sizemore who works real hard to clean up her image and that of the
adoption industry in general. If and when, Ms. Robin Sizemore can prove copyrights to this little girl
we will remove the photo but not until that proof is provided. Remember she has no jurisdiction in Armenia or anywhere else for that matter. Eduard Amalyan continues to not pay taxes in Armenia. While our military has no retirement, families struggle and move to Russia to find jobs.
sell their kids to overweight Mexican Slobs like Regina that want a BAYBEE so bad they are willing to look the
other way. Here is a message to you Regina from the family of your new purchase: You will NEVER own that little girl she is the daughter of a poor family in Armenia who had no money, so you brought your money to Armenia and purchased a BAYBEE. Make her into a self centered American slob like you.

Robin has discouraged many Armenians from Adopting in Armenia. Some have waited over 3 years for a child/baby and have seen countless odars like Regina Soto, Beth Shepherd, MariBeth Driver, and Shelly Pritchert be fast tracked to adoption of Armenian children. So with caution to those of you waiting to adopt, don't think for one minute your Armenian heritage or ethnicity matters to Robin Sizemore. In Fact, Robin Sizemore is very much into feeling powerful about who can adopt and believes she has the right to decide who adopts Armenian Children. Robin cares less about the economic situations that forced the majority of the women to relinquish their children and believes those children are better off with her paying clients. Here is a post on Regina Soto's facebook page shortly after arriving back from Armenia from Robin declaring "Thanks God she has you as her mother"
Really Robin? It's not your place to decide such things, just shut up and collect the $35,000+ in fees and disperse among the "contractors" in Armenia. Make Eduard Amalyan more wealthy so he can spread the wealth in Armenia. That little girl has a mother and father in Armenia, but now will never see their daughter again because you decided it's in their best interest to be purchased by your clients.
Robin knows how to work the emotions of clients waiting for a child, even calling the child "your child" before the court date or blaming the country every time something goes wrong or worst yet the US State Department for being anti - adoption.
To Fellow Armenians that feel discouraged each time Robin treads on your culture, you have a choice. 1) Continue to support her business and wait in line 2) Drop your application as many Armenians have and switch countries 3) Consider adopting Armenian children out of foster care in California's LA county 4) Adopt via surrogacy program in Armenia (relatively new)