This was sent to my e mail address by someone with a watchful eye, it seems that our friendly Odar Baby Snatcher of Armenia still is dreaming of days ago when "open" adoptions were common place. To refresh your memories "open Adoption" was when the birth mother or true mother would consent to adoption without a central adoption authority involved. This was common place in Armenia., however after Armenia ratified and adopted (no pun intended) the Hague Convention on human trafficking, open adoptions are not lawful.
Someone should inform this blint Robin Sizemore that trying this same trick in our Serbian brother's land will get her into problems. Open Adoptions are essentially a parent selling their child off in many cases to the highest bidder. Robin still commands high dollars for disabled and special needs kids because she markets her services and the orphanages as the best in Europe (whatever that means)
Alas, Marketing is what Robin Sizemore's degree is in, we all know there isn't any degrees in Child Trafficking 101, so she is in the business of flesh peddling and promotes herself as some sort of professional credible business woman.
Robin the open adoption days are over, you can run to every obscure country like Serbia and Guyana looking for these niche business opportunities. When the country burns through a few hundred kids they close down or ask for more money.
Your attorneys are not advising you very well, you spent oer $200,000 to try and silence me and still you cannot behave yourself when it comes to selling kids you have a sickness. You are not allowed into the orphanages in Armenia and you know it. Robin Sizemore you were fired from Carolina Adoption Services and you will never be able to lie your way into getting any more kids out of Armenia. I warned you it was "shrinking" your money is no good anymore to Armenians, they are pissed at you for selling off healthy children to odars like Beth "Weinstein" Shepherd, who lives in a 900 square foot house, and other Morons willing to wait around for you to purchase that perfect kid for them.
You fool no one,
Here it is Armenia have fun with her. she deserves all the ill treatment you give her. You are right to adopt the children out to the French or Italians first, they are great people. Eduard Amalyan is not paying taxes on the cash Robin sends him so please shake him up with the police and get some money for our wounded veterans of Nargano Karabakh.
Poor Serbians they will find out that Robin is a crazy lady who claims to save children.
Now here she is with Cara Helberg or what people call her Cara Switch Around.
Cara worked many years for ATWA, then Partners for Adoption - She even unsuccessfully tried her hand at operating an adoption agency but .....well she is back at work with Lesley Siegel. Not sure why Bennet Kelley had her down as an interrogatory witness as I still have the letter Ms. Helberg sent me congratulating me on my adoption and to bring my daughter by when she gets home. Additionally she does know that HHS forbids her from discussing any case outside the prior consent of the client or former client. Or so Bennet Kelley ill advised her and her some time attorney well actually JD boss Lesley (plastic surgery) Siegel.
Make sure you all look up Reynoso vs. Across the World Adoptions it's a sad case of deceit.
Here they are two little adoption addicts - BFFs (big fucking frauds) or (best friends forever)

Cara Helberg and Robin Sizemore BFF
2 peas in a pod. WHERE IS JEANNE SOBIE? |
Wonder what happened to Robin's other BFF Jeanne Sobie?
Oh that's right Jeanne is now the Armenian Adoption coordinator for
Carolina Adoption Services the organization that fired Robin Sizemore.
Relax Cara. Japan adoptions from Mamas n Papas will stay open awhile,
so long as you continue to show clients with a large portfolio. But you can
forget about Russia. It's over.
People in California you should research ATWA before you use them. Ask Lesley Siegel about her
time working at IAC (Independent Adoption Center)
Who needs the Turks to destroy Byzantine Serbs and Armenians
We have Robin Sizemore for that |
Its very clear, Robin Sizemore has a dislike for the Hague Convention on Human Trafficking and is rebelous on laws that are in place to protect children. Hence she finds those loophole countries that don't quite have an adoption authority with Hague set up. HerE marches in Robin Sizemore to these niche countries like Ghana, Serbia, Guyana, Morocco, setting up deals with these countries before the ink is dry she is purchasing and reserving kids for those evangelical clients that spew out bible verses faster than you can spit out $30,000
Good Luck Robin you will need it. Jeanne Sobie has been blabbing her mouth all over Armenia about your affinity for wanting to bypass the central authority. Old habits die hard.
SEAL (of course, Robin wouldn't know about that)
don't say we never warned you Robin Sizemore
you should have thought about that when you
tried to harm me and my family with your paid for
loser buddy Bennet Gerard Kelley
back at you with the truth reaching to the highest levels
of government.
YES ROBIN SIZEMORE was FIRED from Carolina Adoption Services |
TIME MAGAZINE weighs in on the low international adoption numbers