Turkish Orphanage in Lebanon
FEB. 8, 2011 * ‘ORPHANS OF THE GENOCIDE’. A special presentation of the EMMY Award-nominated documentary about the story of 150,000 Armenian Genocide orphans. (a production of the Armenoid Team). Sponsored by the Knights of Vartan, Ararat Lodge. With the participation of the AGBU, Mirror Spectator, Homenetment Boston, Sayat Nova Dance Co., and St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School. At the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Greater Boston, 145 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Cocktails begin at 6:30 p.m.; dinner at 7 p.m.; presentation at 8 p.m. For reservations ($15 for dinner and presentation; $10 for presentation only), visit http://msz.com/oog/ or call Vartan Soukiasian at (617) 851-7528 by Feb. 1.