27 year old West Coast Adoption Agency to offer Armenian Adoptions for the HUGE Armenian population in California.
Armenia Adoptions
The Armenian adoption program is open to families of Armenian as well as other heritages. Families with Armenian heritage are given preference.
Waiting Armenian Children
The Armenian children that are available for International adoption range in age from three months to 12 years old. For the first three months children are available only for in country Armenian domestic adoption. The Armenian people are quite attractive and tend to have complexions that range from very fair olive skin with a light brown to black hair. The children are very beautiful. The orphans from Armenia are well cared for in state run orphanages. Armenia does not allow photo listings of waiting children.
Adoptive Family Requirements
The Armenian adoption program is open to married couples and single women of any heritage. Twins, siblings, or single children can be adopted, but two unrelated children cannot be adopted during the same adoption process. Adoptive family applicants should have no more than 2-3 children presently in the home. There is no age limit, although this may influence which child is referred to the adoptive family.
Armenian Adoption Process
Adoptive families will create an adoption dossier. Adopt abroad will help assist with your adoption dossier preparation. Once your adoption dossier has been completely authenticated it will be submitted to the Armenian facilitator for review and translation. Your adoption dossier will be hand-delivered to the special committee on adoptions under the government of the Armenian Prime Minister. Your adoption dossier will then be reviewed. The initial approval by the Armenian adoption authorities takes approximately 1-2 months. The adoptive applicants will be notified when their adoption dossier has been approved. After approval your information will be entered into the data bank and the search for a suitable referral can begin. Once they have an orphan referral that meets your requirements, the adoptive family will be notified. The adoptive family will receive brief information regarding the child’s health and photographs.
Upon receiving your referral information families may travel to Armenia to meet their child and file acceptance papers in Armenia. Once the acceptance paperwork has been filed, the Prime Minister’s office will then issue a final approval notice. Once the final approval notice has been received a court date will be scheduled. It is preferable if both adoptive parents can attend the court hearing, and if this is not possible, the travelling spouse must have power of attorney for the court hearing and adoption process. After the court hearing there is now a 30 day waiting period for the court decree to be enacted. Consular exit interviews are held in Yerevan, Armenia.
Our partnering agency’s Armenian program coordinator will greet you at the airport and escort you to the apartment/hotel, bring you to all official appointments and be available for assistance during your entire stay in Armenia.
This program is in partnership with another Hague accredited International adoption agency. Please contact us for more information.
Bal Jagat- Children’s World Inc. is a Hindi phrase meaning “Children’s World,” which represents our dedication to uniting the children of the world with loving parents in permanent homes in the United States. We are not affiliated with any religious organization. The agency’s moto is “Adoption is a gift of life.” Bal Jagat- Children’s World Inc. is a California State licensed private, non-profit inter-country adoption agency. BJCW Inc does not do domestic adoption. Our direct country programs currently include China, and India, and we work with many other countries such as Russia, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Guatemala, Vietnam, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Korea, through partnerships. Bal Jagat- Children’s World Inc is also licensed by Romania, and Thailand. BJCW Inc has over 50 partnerships with other homestudy and child placement agencies across the United States.
We provide home study, post placement, and post adoption services in Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura counties. Bal Jagat has been helping people extend their families through international adoption for over 27 years, since 1983. We have played a successful role in the lives of more than 5000 families who have been rewarded by the joy and love of their international children.
Bal Jagat- Children’s World Inc. feels an ethical obligation to help impoverished children around the world in addition to providing adoption services. In order not to rely on donors for our projects, a portion of all agency service fees goes towards humanitarian programs worldwide.
Bal Jagat- Children’s World Inc. is a fully Hague Accredited international adoption agency and complies with all regulations of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 by the Council on Accreditation (COA) as authorized by the United States Department of State. Our Hague Accreditation is valid until July 31, 2012.
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