Thursday, June 25, 2015

Armenian Adoption Regarding Serbia Adoptions.

Recieved a very alarming inbox notice on an adoption forum that Robin Sizemore and her crazy attorney put a stupid press release on about me being a "cyber bully" and don't believe everything you read on the internet. 
Granted you shouldn't because there is misinformation, but read and make your own decisions.  

copy of note from inbox, the name of the sender is not shared. 

 Hopscotch adoption agency again in action with intercountry adoptions from Serbia.This time with big support of her friend and the most dishonest person I’ve ever heard of,Leah Spring.There were/are many illegal activities of this person,along with the NGO Cherish Our Children International,Leah works for.I have many true informations about it,and it’s just unbeleivable how does Serbian government tolerate it unless…...Leah has mental ilness in her family,paranoid schizophrenia,and is a very mean, unscrupulous person, driven by the desire for power and financial gain.
Hope hearing from soon.It’ll be good for someone to worn Serbian government and American Embassy about Hopscotch and Leah Spring

Never will understand why the Hague Convention was posed in the State Department but adoption agencies such as Hopscotch Adoptons can still work with non-Hague compliant countries.

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