Some things to hopefully pass your time while you wait.
The key is to keep busy and don't focus on the computer or phone message waiting for the referral. Mix duties away from your adoption and the time will go by much easier for you.
1) Join a local Book Club
2) Take on more volunteer duties, (church, shelters)
3) Trips to library, they have several small events, get their calender and information. You will want to also look at the children's book section and storytelling.
4) Weekend trips
5) Reconnect with friends from college.
6) Join Netflix and watch 1 movie a week you have not seen.
7) Join a early morning walking club or start one with your neighbors/friends.
8) Check out local schools that you want your child to attend, if you have an Armenian school ask to volunteer.
9) Take a trip to Armenia.
10) Stay away from adoption related information and yahoo groups.
11) Go to the park and feed the ducks your leftover bread. (We freeze the bread heels)
12) Do a spa day
13) Take a cooking class, learn a new Armenian dish.
14) Go to a new restaurant, try a meal you have never had.
15) Try to go 1 week without talking about your adoption
16) Go on a Wine Tasting trip
17) Buy tickets for a concert that you have always wanted to see: Ballet, Symphony
18) Come to Little Armenia in California
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