Whew, you have just got over the mounds of paperwork in Step 3 and now you are either: A) Disgusted and don't want to wait 2-3 years B) Want to surrogate adopt c) Adopt domestically, and we have found 2 children in the foster care system that were Armenian (more about that later) 1 a girl has aged out of the system and 1 is a boy who is half-Armenian who has lost both parents.
Next you will compile your paperwork and have it apostilled by the Secretary of the State's office. You can sometimes find a local office like we have here in Fresno and Los Angeles, CA or you can drive to your state's capital and get this process done in 1 day.
The apostille is to insure the notary on your paperwork is authentic, they will issue an apostille for EACH document. When I had mine done it was $10.00 a document. Plan on around $150.00 average.
You have now submitted your home study to your local USCIS who will process the paperwork and it will go to a processing center either in Missouri or stay in your local district. This is for the approval of the 171-h which is the permission to grant an orphan visa for your prospective child.
Plan on this taking anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months, the USCIS will send you an appiointment for your lifescan fingerprints. Keep in contact with the local Orphan Officer they can help monitor the process.
While you are waiting for your 171-H it is a good time to arrange your documents and have 2 or 3 copies of everything!!!! I arranged mine in a fan folder that you can carry with you easily on an airplane. When your 171-H comes through, you submitt your dossier to Armenia. Create a checklist for yourself based on what the Armenian Authorities will want.
I kept in contact with the AAA and the Armenian and American Embassy, this is easy to do and they can help you out.
Note: If you have been PRE-MATCHED with a child this is unlawful according to the Hague Convention. The only time this is acceptable is when the child has special needs. I happened to know the child I adopted and she spent time in America with me and I spent time with her in Armenia. But this was pre- Hague implementation when independant adoptions were acceptable.
Today, you must be matched by the Central Adoption Authority AFTER the AAA - Armenian Adoption Authority has approved you for adoption. Today it can take years, I have heard of many Armenian couples throwing in the towel because there is no healthy babies available. We try to change their expectations to older children,or slight special needs but many are not willing. The attorneys in Armenia are good to deal with but many claim to be attorneys but are not licensed.
So if you have passed through steps 1-4 you are now in a very difficult waiting game of a match. You watch for the statistics every day. You wait for the next family to arrive back from Armenia with their child ..........you wait, wait, and wait. It seems like an eternity to some of you but hang in there and dream of the end result.
There are many uncertainities today in Armenia and in International Adoption in general. Keep the faith.
I'm currently in this waiting stage and sometimes it is really hard. Our docs have been sent in Jan this year to Armenia, but still no news about the approval, delay due to the new Hague law . I wonder if we will ever come to an happy end of all this. We are open to some special needs and to older children, but still no news for us...
ReplyDeleteVanda from Italy
Ciao, mi dispiace sentir parlare di questo. L'ultima volta che sono stato in Armenia (per 4 mesi) ho incontrato 3 coppie che sono state l'adozione.
Io sono sicuro di averlo, ma è qui le informazioni su l'ambasciata italiana. Ho incontrato Margerite che vi lavora. Sono molto simpatico e gentile. Per favore, non ti preoccupare verrà un giorno per il vostro bambino, gli armeni amore degli italiani.
Si prega di fare un viaggio a Yerevan e visita con l'Ambasciata e chiedere una visita di alcuni orfanotrofi.
L'orfanotrofio a Gyumri è molto aperto agli italiani. So che ci sono due bambini che hanno le labbra clelf che sono altrimenti sani.
Grazie Vanessa e complimenti per l'italiano!
ReplyDeleteNel nostro paese non è possibile muoversi da soli, ci si deve affidare ad un ente, che ha una referente a Yerevan. Ci dicono che sia molto brava e ben introdotta ha già portato avanti molte adozioni.
Ti ringrazio per le parole di conforto, speriamo di avere presto buone notizie.
Cari saluti
ReplyDeleteBuon giorno, il mio vicino è italiano da Parma. Lui mi sta aiutando con questa scritta. Si prega di visitare Yerevan e incontrare la gente si dovrà lavorare con il tuo adozione. Sì, sarà trovare e si sente notizie a breve. Sarebbe anche prima, se avete incontrato le persone è necessario parlare con in armeno con le diverse organizzazioni.
Avrò il mio popolo que il tuo nome, se siete iscritti come dici tu sei.
Buona fortuna e Dio vi benedica
Thanks Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteyou will be the first one to know if I have any news!
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